LFS conferences

International scientific-practical conference "PHARMACY PROBLEMS AND THEIR SOLUTION WAYS"
All conference participants will be provided9 o'clock qualification improvement certificate.
Participants must wear a respirator or medical mask throughout the event.
Plenary session / Plenary session I
Leaders of the meeting/
Prof. Liudas Ivanauskas, Lithuania / Lithuania
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the conference
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė, Lithuania / Lithuania
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee of the conference
The beginning of the conference: opening - introductory speech
Prof. Liudas Ivanauskas
President of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union
Welcome speech
Prof. Liudas Ivanauskas
President of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association
Current affairs of pharmaceutical policy
Representative of the Pharmaceutical Policy Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Current issues in pharmaceutical policy
Representative of the Pharmaceutical Policy Department at the Ministry of Health, Lithuania
Pain management: general principles
Prof. Andrius Macas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Pain control: general principles
Prof. Andrius Macas
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Features of managing the evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic
Prof. Saulius Čaplinskas
Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases and AIDS
Peculiarities of management features of changing COVID - 19 pandemic situation
Prof. Saulius Čaplinskas
Director of the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS
Research on the diversity of biologically active compounds of medicinal plants and the application of their properties for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė
Vytautas Magnus University Botanical Garden
National Health Council
Research on the diversity of biologically active compounds on medicinal plants and their use for COVID-19 prevention or treatment
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė
Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University
National Health Council
Refreshment break
Plenary session / Plenary session II
The problem of the use of addictive psychotropic drugs and its possible solutions
Prof. Aurelijs Veryga
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
The problem of the use of addictive psychotropic drugs and its possible solutions
Prof. Aurelius Veryga
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Means and nature of pharmaceutical and medical specific activities during the war
Audrius Butkevičius
Doctor, specialist in political and civil technologies, first minister of national defense and signatory.
Specific measures and activities in pharmacy and medicine during war
Audrius Butkevičius
Doctor, Political and Civil Technology Specialist,
Prime Minister of National Defense and Signatory
The significance of the new competencies of the advanced practice pharmacist in optimizing the quality of public health in Lithuania
Assoc. Vaidas Department
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
The significance of new competencies of an advanced practice pharmacist in optimizing the quality of public health in Lithuania
Assoc. Prof. Vaidas Department
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Lunch break / Lunch break
Zero tolerance for excuses. How to achieve goals without making excuses?
Marius Švaikauskas, Business and Strategy Development Expert, former CEO of "Vilniaus Vandenys"
Renata Saulytė, Expert
Zero tolerance for justification.
How to achieve goals without justification?
Marius Švaikauskas, Expert of Development Activity and Strategy, Previous General Director of "Vilniaus vandenys"
Renata Saulytė, Expert
Pharmacy in Ukraine: response to today's challenges
Prof. Alla Kotvitska
Rector of Kharkiv National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
Pharmacy in Ukraine: responding to the challenges of the time
Prof. Alla Kotvitska
Rector of National University of pharmacy Kharkov, Ukraine
The long run of COVID: brain fog and other brain dysfunction
Jurgita Knašienė, geriatrician
LSMU Kaunas Hospital
The long COVID: brain fog and other brain disorders
Jurgita Knašienė, Geriatric doctor
Kaunas Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Today's pharmaceutical priorities in Latvia
Society of Latvian Pharmacists
Current Pharmaceutical priorities in Latvia
The Pharmacists' Society of Latvia
Today's Current Affairs in Pharmacy In Lithuania: round table discussion.
Moderator Doc. Vaidas Department
Current issues Pharmacy in Lithuania: Round Table Discussion.
Moderator Assoc. Prof. Vaidas Department