LFS convention

XXXVII Congress of The Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association and The International Scientific – Practical Conference
"CONTEMPORARY PHARMACY ACTIVITY IN LITHUANIA AND THE WORLD"dedicated to 100th Birth Anniversary of Assoc. Prof. Alfons Kaikaris
Plenary session / Plenary session I
Leaders of the meeting/
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė, Lithuania / Lithuania
Chairperson of the scientific committee of the conference /
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee
Provost Almyra Girdenienė, Lithuania / Lithuania
Chairperson of the conference organizing committee /
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
Opening of the XXXVI Congress and International Conference Pharmaceutical Science Knowledge and Impressions from the 80th Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Prof. Dr. Habil. Ona Ragažinskienė
President of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union
Member of the National Health Council
Vytautas Magnus University
Greetings from Dace Ķikute, President of the Latvian Society of Pharmacists
Pharmaceutical Science Knowledge and Impressions from the 80th Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Prof. Dr. Habil. Ona Ragažinskienė
President of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association
Member of the National Health Council
Vytautas Magnus University
Dace Ķikute President of the Pharmacist`s Society of Latvia (LFB)
Greetings from Šiauliai Bishop Eugenijus Bartulis
Bishop of Šiauliai Eugenijus Bartulis
The contribution of Associate Professor Alfonso Kaikaris' scientific and social activities to the development of Lithuanian pharmaceutical industry
Assoc. Dr. Tauras Antanas Mekas
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, director of the Lithuanian Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy
The contribution of Associate Professor Alfonsas Kaikaris' scientific and social activities to the development of Lithuanian pharmaceuticals
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tauras Antanas Mekas
Director of the Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy History, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Pharmaceutical care services in Norway
Senior Advisor Hilde Ariansen
Norwegian Pharmaceutical Association, Norway
Pharmacy services in Norway
Senior Advisor Hilde Ariansen
Norwegian Pharmacy Association, Norway
The present and perspectives of the pharmaceutical policy of the Republic of Lithuania
Anželika Oraitė
Head of the Pharmaceutical Policy Department
Ministry of Health Protection of the Republic of Lithuania
The present and perspectives of the pharmaceutical policy of the Republic of Lithuania
Anželika Oraitė
Head of the Pharmaceutical Policy Division at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Refreshment break
Plenary session / Plenary session II
European Pharmacopoeia 11th Edition: Tackling Medicines Quality Challenges Together
Roma Mockutė
State drug control services under the SAM of the Republic of Lithuania
Head of the drug control laboratory
Member of the Lithuanian delegation of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Council of Europe
European Pharmacopoeia 11th Edition: Tackling Medication Quality Challenges Together
Roma Mockutė
Head of the Medicines Control Laboratory, Service State Medicines Control Service under the Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania
Member of the Lithuanian Delegation of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Council of Europe
Activities of members of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association of America (LAPAS) and prospects for cooperation with Lithuania
Dr. Joseph Kalvaitis
LAPAS CO-President, Clinical Pharmacist, USA
Pharmacist Birute Apkienė
LAPAS founding member, CO-President, USA
Activities of members of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association of America (LAPAS) and prospects for cooperation with Lithuania
Dr. Joseph Kalvaitis
LAPAS CO-President, Clinical Pharmacist, USA
Pharmacist Birute Apkienė
Founding Member and current CO-President OF LAPAS, USA
Procreative ethics in pharmacy
Master of Pharmacy prof. dr. Birutė Obelenienė
Center for Marriage and Family Studies, Vytautas the Great University
Procreation Ethics in Pharmacy
Master of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Birutė Obelenienė
Research Center on Marriage and Family, Vytautas Magnus University
Lunch break / Lunch break
Recognition of the name of Honorary Member of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union
The nominee is presented by prof. Ona Ragažinskienė
LFS President
Awarding the title of Honorary Member of the Lithuanian
Pharmaceutical Association
The nominee is presented by
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė, LPA President
Prof. Presentation of the "Pro Gloria Pharmaciae" commemorative medal of JF Wolfgang
The nominee is presented by Assoc. Dr. Vaidas Department
LFS Vice-President
Awarding of Prof. JF Wolfgang of the commemorative medal "Pro Gloria Pharmaciae"
The nominee is presented by
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vaidas Skyrius, LPA Vice-President
Election of Board members of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union
Pharmacist Marius Aleksandravičius, chairman of the LFS board
Pharmacist Birutė Varanavičienė, LFS board member
Election of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association Board Member
Pharmacist Marius Aleksandravičius, Chairman of the LPA Board Pharmacist Birutė Varanavičienė, Member of LPA
The pharmacist's tribune. Current issues
Pharmacist's grandstand. Ongoing topics
Activities of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union and its optimization possibilities.
Moderated by: Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė, Assoc. Vaidas Department
Final discussions and resolution adoption of the convention and international conference
Activities of the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association and Possibilities for Its Optimization.
Moderated by:
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė, Assoc, prof. Vaidas Department
Final discussion and resolution of the Congress and the International Conference
Closing discussions
Closing discussions
Sunday, November 13,
UAB pharmacy "Valerijonas" "Razalija" Vilniaus st. 173, Šiauliai
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Chair of the meeting/
St. Mass for the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Community
Provost Almyra Girdenienė, Lithuania / Lithuania
Chairperson of the conference organizing committee /
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
Theoretical and practical classes at UAB "Valerijonas" pharmacy
(The number of places in the laboratory is limited, prior registration is required)
Provost Almyra Girdenienė
Director of UAB pharmacy "Valerijonas"""Razalija", Lithuania
Theoretical and Practical Classes in "Valerijonas" Pharmacy
(The number of places in the laboratory is limited, prior registration is required)
Pharmacist Almyra Girdenienė
Director of the JSC "Valerijonas"""Razalija" pharmacy, Lithuania
Responsible secretary/ Responsible secretary
Rūta Matulaitiene
Organizing committee
Pharmacist Almyra Girdenienė
Pharmacist Marius Aleksandravičius
Pharmacist Birutė Varanavičienė
Pharmacist Kęstutis Ramanauskas
Scientific committee
Prof. Ona Ragažinskienė
Doc. / Assoc. prof. Vaidas Chapter
Pharmacist Eglė Rasa Dieninytė
Pharmacist Tautvydas Endriukaitis